Creating Human Life
Life with Water.

“Water” is the common property of all living things.

Considering this precious resource “water” as the most important thing,
Aiken Kakoki K.K. has worked hard on R&D wastewater treatment-related issues.

Expanding the business domain into daily life is our future task.
We will never lose our spirit of challenge and aim to continuously make strides as a company.

Passing down beautiful nature to future generations forever.

Since our foundation in 1982, we have always strived to help in community development under a management creed of “contributing to nature with an eye on the future of precious earth.”

Today, we face many environmental challenges. Water is indispensable to our daily life. Wastewater is generated in processes associated with business development. Water quality problems now affect our daily life itself. Under such circumstances, we have met customer requests in the functions of wastewater treatment equipment and tap water/utility water treatment equipment, in order to respond to social demands, under our motto “Passing down beautiful nature to future generations forever” in the field of wastewater treatment. In addition, we independently developed load calculators and remote control operation systems for supporting operation managers, which have been well received.

We will continue to focus on excess sludge volume reductions and recycling in the field of industrial waste and proactively work toward an even better future. We intend to contribute to the harmony of “industry,” “humans” and livable communities in the future as well.

Masanori Iwata
Aiken Kakoki K.K.

Corporate name Aiken Kakoki K.K.

【Main Office】
353-6, Komura-machi, Matsuyama-shi
Ehime, 791-1125 JAPAN
Phone: (+81) 89-963-4611 Fax: (+81) 89-963-4655

【Affiliated company】
Aiken Aqua Technology Co., Ltd.
1-7 Kyobashicho, Minami-ku, Hiroshima-shi, Hiroshima 732-0828
The 1st floor of Asty Hiroshima Kyobashi Building

Representative Masanori Iwata, President

Founded on October 2, 1982
Established on June 17, 1983
Increased capital on March 28, 1996

  • Design and construction of wastewater treatment / equipment
  • Design and construction of water/process water production / equipment
  • Design and construction of refrigeration air conditioners and circulation cooling-water treatment / equipment
  • Inspection and maintenance of various types of water treatment equipment
  • Inspection and maintenance of industrial machines
  • Industrial instruments and analytical equipment
  • Various water treatment chemicals
Main banks Iyo Bank, Ehime Bank, Mizuho Bank, and Hiroshima Bank
Licenses and Certifications
  • Machine and Equipment Installation Works (Standard-28 No. 9136)
  • Piping Works (Standard-28 No. 9136)
  • Machinery installation work(special-28)No.9136
  • Business conducting general sales of poisonous and deleterious substances No. 265
Sales cooperation shop Tokyo, Sapporo, Sendai, Nagoya, Osaka, Fukuoka
Service companies
  • ANLET Co., Ltd. (Shikoku Service Center)
  • TACMINA CORPORATION (Shikoku Service Center)
  • Kurita Water Industries Ltd. (Special agent)
  • Tsurumi Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (Service center)
Technical sales cooperation partner Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Netherlands, Turkey

Five Commitments to Environmental Protection

  1. We will promote protection against environmental pollution
    and continuously make efforts toward improvements in our environmental management system.
  2. We will comply with environment-related laws, regulations and ordinances, as well as other requirements and principles that we observe.
  3. We will work toward the following action items
    as our priority activities for environmental management:
    • Promotion of energy saving
    • Ensuring a reduction in waste generation and recycling
    • Making efforts to create products of environmental
      load reduction types and technical development
  4. We will establish environmental goals and objectives, and work toward maintenance and improvement in environmental conservation activities.
  5. We will communicate this environmental policy to all employees and our partner companies to request their understanding and cooperation.

Efforts Targeting SDGs

Aiken Kakoki K.K. is engaged in efforts to make contributions to the following 5 goals from among the 17 SDGs.

6 安全な水とトイレを世界中に

7 エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに

9 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう

13 気候変動に具体的な対策を

14 海の豊かさを守ろう